Our advantages

Highly qualified and experienced operation/maintenance specialists

Specialists in the treatment of complex industrial wastewaters

Integral management of the water cycle, reducing, recovering and reusing water in several industrial processes

Open and true behavior with our clients and partners, always with the focus of problem-solving
TEKBOX performs electromechanical installations in water systems since 2003

Our services

Construction and installation of large diameter pipelines, gates, special valves for basins and dams.
Construction of WTPs and WWTPs from scratch, in public and industrial sectors.
Remodeling of equipment, process, piping and boards in WWTPs and WTPs, closed circuits, pumping circuits for specific fluids, etc…


Number of WWTPs designed and built


Number of WTPs designed and built


Number of Facilities designed and built


Number of Constructions performed

Ways of execution

  • Installation of own designs or third-party designs
  • From scratch or revamping of existing system (Expansion, Improvement, Corrections…)
  • Public or private constructions
  • Construction management according to needs
  • Teams and own means of delivery or through third parties under our management
  • Possibility of operation and maintenance of future installed systems

Main customers

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